Monday, September 17, 2012

Enjoy the ride... literally!

A couple of weeks ago, I dropped Bart off at the Red Line station to go to the first USC game of the season.  Bug was excited for him, but also had strong feelings about the fact that he wasn't getting on the subway too.  Not because he wanted to go to the game, but because we used to go on the Red Line all the time and I would say in the last year, we've been on maybe twice. I'm not proud of this.  The subway is actually my favorite mode of public transportation.  So, why have we not been on it lately?  The biggest reason is that there hasn't been a need to.  When we moved from Los Feliz to the Valley, the only thing that we kept in the old neighborhood was the pediatrician.  When Bug got sick last year and I had no way of getting him to the doctor but taking public transportation, I found one closer to us.  And, that was it.  Our last reason to get on the Red Line. So, on that day when he expressed that he wanted to ride it again, I promised him we would. He's now at that very convenient age where he remembers things, so I knew I had to keep my promise.  I tried to think of places we could go.  Maybe a museum? Lunch?  Then, a lightbulb: "Why do we even need to go anywhere?  Let's just ride the train!"  

I decided that we would take the Red Line to Union Station, then hop on the Gold Line to the South Pasadena Station (a really cute stop that I had always seen, but had never had the time to explore) where we would enjoy a picnic that I packed at home.  When I told Bug what we were doing after school that afternoon, he was thrilled. We parked the car at the Universal City Park n Ride (Note:  If you choose to do a trip like this in the afternoon, be prepared to drive around for a bit trying to find parking.  At this point, most people have parked their cars and won't be back from work for a while.  I was lucky to find someone returning early.  I stalked her from the entrance out of necessity.) The Red Line is always fun, but the Gold Line was the real treat of the day.  MTA has done a fabulous job with it (I used to ride it back in my working days and they were always in the middle of construction. Annoying at the time, but the results are fun to enjoy now!) The day turned out to be relaxing, enjoyable and totally fun. 

I'm so proud that he knows when the subway is coming without actually seeing it.  It's all in the wind! Something I learned early on in my public transportation days. 

Picnic in South Pas.  

The adorable South Pasadena.

Just hanging out at the station. 

Waiting for the light rail.  

Cool sculpture. Bug has been really fascinated by them lately and it was a pleasant surprise that we saw this totally awesome one.  

All in all, if you're looking for an inexpensive (Children under 5 ride free, so our day cost $5), fun, educational, and relaxing afternoon, I would highly recommend just taking a ride on the train.  In this busy world we live in, just being able to 'enjoy the ride' is a total treat for both parent and kid! 

Transit directions to 905 Meridian Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030
Universal City Red Line Sta
3901 Lankershim Boulevard
Studio City, CA 91604
Walk to Universal City Station
About 2 mins (167 ft)
Universal City Station Stop ID: 80202
SubwayMetro Red Line (802)
Subway towards Union Station
2:05pm - 2:31pm (26 mins, 12 stops)
Union Station Stop ID: 80214
Walk to Union Station
About 1 min (6 mins to make transfer)
Union Station Stop ID: 80409
Light railMetro Gold Line (804)
Light rail towards Sierra Madre Villa Station
2:37pm - 2:51pm (14 mins, 6 stops)
South Pasadena Station Stop ID: 80415
Walk to 905 Meridian Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030
About 1 min (7 ft)
905 Meridian Ave
South Pasadena, CA 91030
Directions courtesy of

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Start of the school year musings.

Our dear 4 year old started his last year of preschool a couple of weeks ago.  What a difference a year makes. We had around 15 kids graduate last year.  This year it's new kids, new families, new dynamic. The new children this year are very young, still learning about the jungle that is preschool.  Circle time is a totally new concept to some of them.  Some are still learning to keep their hands on their own bodies.  Some have adjusted so well that I'm surprised they are only 3 and this is their first year of preschool. Some are just having a really hard time. Bug, in his first year, would fit into the last category. My work day (we're at a co-op preschool) was possibly my least favorite day of the week sometimes.  Riddled with screaming, crying, hitting, I just remember coming home and having to be away from him for 5 minutes so I could regroup. It was tough.  As I've watched some of the parents deal with their own children's feelings these past couple of weeks, I recognize the worried looks on their faces. Like "Who is this kid?!" Ahh, yes, I remember it well. To those parents, I say, it does get better.  Whenever someone told me that last year, I thought they were lying.  No, it's the honest truth.  We know because we've all been there. 

This year seems to have started off well for us.  Not to say our kid doesn't have his "strong feelings" moments.  Yesterday, his teacher told me he got upset about having to clean up and cried for a while over it.  She said that when he got over it, he was so sweet, whereas last year, he would have been upset the whole day. When I picked him up him yesterday, he said "I wasn't happy for a little bit of time.  I'm ok now." I'll take it.  It's progress and even with some random outbursts, I'm so proud of how far he's come. I attribute this to a wealth of things: maturity, learning, speech therapy, etc. 

2011 first day of preschool

I've changed too.  Last year, I was so concerned with what other people thought of my parenting.  Every time Bug had an outburst, I thought "Oh my God.  They must think I really don't know what I'm doing." This year, I've admitted to myself that I quite literally don't know what I'm doing.  And, I don't care what other people think.  I just love him.  I give him more time. I talk to him about his feelings. I'm letting him be who he is right at this moment, which is a lovable, funny, sweet, kind, strong willed, expressive four and a half year old boy who loves 80's movies, making fart jokes, and talking to his baby brother in my tummy.  

2012 first day of preschool.  I made him stand in the sun. Here's a better one from this year:

Photo Credit: Marc Blackwell

Here's to an awesome school year, my sweet bug! 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Our Kidspace Day

Bug and I had an adventure the other day.  We were supposed to go bowling with a few school friends, but decided to ditch (sorry, guys!) and go to Kidspace in Pasadena.  Kidspace is a 4 year old boys dream.  Huge structures to climb on, a real size car to "drive" in (Bug got a huge kick out of the car this time as I recently started driving.), a bike path with traffic signs, a river to play in and tons more.   It's one of those places where you have to just let your kid explore.  I was excited to take him as it was the first time since I got my drivers license that I could give Bug the power to choose where we would go.  The possibilities were endless because I had the car.  We weren't locked into one activity (that's the downside to taking public transportation everywhere.)  It was also the first time we had been there since our last trip in April with friends.  I dub that day my "worst day of parenting ever" Hands down.  There was biting, throwing of stuffed animals, items bought to silence my screaming child.  All in front of a friend whose parenting I respect immensely, which made it even more awesome.  I remember that day.  Bug remembers that day.  It lives in infamy. 

Riding the bike in 90 degree weather.  I think he's ready for Spinning! 

Playing with clay. Nevermind that gross burn on my hand. I forgot that ovens are hot. 

SO, understandably, I've waited a few months to return to this land of fun in Pasadena.  I must say, it was worth the wait.  While Bug isn't old enough to understand why I didn't have my drivers license or that it was even an issue for so long, I like to think that he appreciated that his mom could take him here for a day of fun.  And, we had an AWESOME time.  I let him call the shots and go to whatever part of the property he wanted to for almost 4 hours.  He rode a bike in 93 degrees for an hour (There is usually a line for the bikes, and the kids don't get to ride that long, but today was so hot, I think a lot of them were inside enjoying the air conditioner).  He played with the water symphony for a while.  He played in the ant hole for 483290 hours.  He played with clay, paint, and water.  He looked at bugs.  He smiled and laughed and at one point said "I'm having a great time, mom!"  I mean, I died. A totally happy day with my boy.  He left elated and I left smiling, yet a little nervous for my drive home.  I am totally used to public transportation and can handle the extra time and energy it takes, but driving is still so new to me, that I am always a little nervous when I get in the car.  Alas, we made it home successfully and with minimal traffic.  

So, no, I did not take public transportation to Kidspace, BUT, if you choose to do it, here's an idea of a trip from the Valley! It's about 2 hours long and while it's a tad long, it does include the subway and light rail, which kids REALLY enjoy. The subway and light rail also make it easier on the adult.  We're huge fans of the Gold Line! 

Ventura / Hazeltine Stop ID: 7023
Bus 150/240
Bus towards 240 Universal City Sta
8:41am - 9:02am (21 mins, 22 stops)
Universal City Station Stop ID: 30002
Walk to Universal City Station
About 2 mins (16 mins to make transfer)
Universal City Station Stop ID: 80202
SubwayMetro Red Line (802)
Subway towards Union Station
9:18am - 9:43am (25 mins, 12 stops)
Union Station Stop ID: 80214
Walk to Union Station
About 1 min (6 mins to make transfer)
Union Station Stop ID: 80409
Light railMetro Gold Line (804)
Light rail towards Sierra Madre Villa Station
9:49am - 10:08am (19 mins, 8 stops)
Del Mar Station Stop ID: 80417
Walk to Raymond Ave & Del Mar Station
About 1 min (10 mins to make transfer)
Raymond Ave & Del Mar Station
Bus 51
Bus towards To Linda Vista / Art Center
10:18am - 10:42am (24 mins, 14 stops)
Seco St & Arroyo Blvd
Walk to Kidspace Children's Museum, 480 North Arroyo Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91103
About 2 mins (0.1 mi)
Kidspace Children's Museum
480 North Arroyo Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91103

Monday, July 9, 2012

Bug goes to a prenatal appointment..

Today was a new experience for Bug.  I took him to one of my prenatal appointments with me for the first time.  More on what the experience was like in a moment, but first, some thoughts. 

I'm 15 weeks pregnant.  So, why did I wait this long to take him?  Well, I should probably tell you that we didn't even tell him he was getting a sibling until I was in my second trimester. Some people thought we were crazy to wait that long to fill him in, that we should let him be apart of the pregnancy early on.  I say, to each his own.  My first trimester was filled with puking, dry heaving, and laying down a lot.. the usual! I guess you could say that I didn't want him to attribute that to his new brother or sister.   Also, I wanted to just get past the first trimester jitters in general.  So, we kept it to ourselves, family and friends until I was in my 13th week.  When we told him, it took a couple of days to process it.  And, for another couple of days, he kept asking if Vigo from the Ghostbusters was going to come and take the baby.  For those of you who haven't watched Ghostbusters 2 seventy times in the last couple of months, Vigo is the villain in that movie and kidnaps Oscar the baby.  Naturally, Bug's four year old mind went to that scary place.  It took a few times of explaining that Vigo wasn't real, but he got it soon after.  Of course, he does still check every day "Mommy, is the baby in your tummy?"  "Yes, Bug!". 

...All of which brings me to taking him to a prenatal appointment!  This was something I was truly stumped on.  Now that he knows, do I bring him?  Do I get a babysitter?  Does my mom need to come and watch him in the office?  Am I going to scar him for life either way?  All of these questions came to me as I lay awake on Saturday night preparing myself for Monday's appointment.  So, who do I turn to to find out?  Why, the great, all knowing Facebook moms of course! I would say about 70% of my Facebook friends fit this category. I also texted a good friend some more personal questions about it, but more on that.. never.  Anyway, back to those awesome Facebook moms.  The consensus was "Yes! Take him. Involve him.  He will love it!"  I started to feel good about it, but then a little bad that I was questioning it in the first place.  Mom guilt.  The best.  Of course the appointment went great.  Bug thinks I'm super talented at peeing in a cup and my doctor was able to pick up the babies heartbeat and some kicks on the doppler, which Bug thought was "cool".  He had a HUGE smile on his face and my heart swelled.  This kid is going to be the best big brother.  We won't tell his baby brother that about 5 minutes after he heard the heartbeat and kicks, he broke out into a fever and turned stark white.  No, that little tidbit we'll keep between us for now.