Sunday, July 8, 2012

An Introduction...

So, it’s kind of funny that I’m starting my “Unlicensed Mother” blog now.  In fact, to the surprise of many in all of my walks of life (high school, college, work, motherhood), I finally got my license 2 weeks ago.  I put it off for 11 years.  9 of those years, I have spent in Los Angeles. 4 of those years, I have spent introducing my son to the public transit system.  He knows when we need to be on the “red bus” or when we need to rush to get to the “orange bus”.  He knows our stops.  He’s met tons of people from many walks of life.  And, I think, that he’s benefitted from it.  He gets to see the real Los Angeles, which I think is awesome. We’ve gone to museums, doctors appointments, parks, parades, dads office, etc. on the public transportation system and each time has been a totally different experience for us.  
The purpose of this blog is to give LA parents some inspiration to take your families on the bus!  We’ve had so many fun adventures and I know you can too.  Our public transportation system is there to serve you.  Take advantage of it! 
Also, while I could talk about our adventures all day, I will sometimes sprinkle other musings throughout here.  You know, things like my son coming up to me with a brush and telling me he needed to brush my hair because it “looks like diarrhea.” Or when he tells everyone his favorite movie is “Star Whores.” Things like that. Also, my adventures as a new driver. 

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